Lacking creativity today.
Just want to sleep.

I haven’t managed to get much sleep lately as life is living in the hurricane.

How are you all getting on?
Are you taking rest bites?

Dancers struggle with rest don’t they?

We seem to need to make each movement count, timed to detail and with no let up.
Just now contemplating rest.

Are you hard on yourself?  Do you keep pushing and striving for more?

And yet it’s funny really.
I have found the most productive moments have come when testing, half asleep, or when exhausted.

Why do you think that is?

Would love some feedback.

Hope you are all doing well.


  1. I'm definitely getting burned out, but since it's Thanksgiving tomorrow in the US, I'm going to take a few days off. I really need it! Hopefully that'll be plenty to set me up for hard work to finish off the module--and the course! We're almost done!

  2. Hi Hannah, hope you are doing well. We are on heading for the finish line and would love to do it all again now! Hope to see you in London if you are coming over - all the best x


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