Our constructs go way back.
Crisis moment - again!!
Helen spoke to us about the need to step out of our own bubble and Adesola has encouraged us to look forwards, behind us and sideways and to not think we are always ‘right’.
What has influenced us?
We must exchange our ideas and learn from each other - to work collectively for the greater good and help each other to move forward.
Reading other books such as ‘Decolonising Methodologies’ (has made me realise how little I knew about the indigenous peoples in New Zealand despite having lived there for six years. The impact of our environment and the responsibility we have to humanity. I hold tremendous respect for indigenous peoples and my children’s early years were well informed in the NZ education system. We have much to learn.
As teachers in the pursuit of perfection and excellence we seem to feel the need to ‘control’. Most movement is placed/controlled.
Children with ADHD prescribed with drugs are on the rise in the UK, some would say due to a need to control. Toddlers Interact with iPads make life ‘easier’ in our need to ‘control’. Google answers our questions straight away aiding our sense of control. Davis spoke about aging population and their frustration or deep emotional pain upon realising their lack of control and having to accept dependence on another. Brandon spoke of the psychological difficulty dancers moving forward into the realities of the dance profession and as we age the sense of bereavement in our less able bodies resulting in mental issues and low self esteem.
As teachers we need to relinquish control despite it being ingrained and equip our children with the tools to cope with the unexpected. Looking at the positivist and non-positivist perspectives I embrace a freer, less fixed research approach when assessing data and will take my own constructs into consideration and this paradigm shift. To listen and be prepared for the unexpected.
Crises are precursors to change. Helen reassured us this is a good thing. In coming to terms with our archaeology, how it has impacted us and our learners will provide the critical thinking needed before entering into the realms of research - hopefully helping us to decide what really matters.
Its nice (and reassuring) to hear that others are in a similar situation, in find myself at a cross roads and not knowing which way to go for my inquiry and proposal. it has helped reading lots and mind-mapping and writing notes and going back and forth between these as I read to consider the option and directions I can take. I have always thought of myself on the positive fence as opposed to non-positive. I like facts and figures and 'proof' however this course, study and reflection has made me reassess and think maybe now I am actually leaning more towards and coming from a non positive perspective which I guess this course and profession allows.