The Church says: The body is a sin. Science says: The body is a machine. Advertising says: The body is a business. The body says: I am a fiesta. ~Eduardo Galeano I also love this quote from Pygmalion by George Bernard Shaw 'I will always be a flowergirl to Professor Higgins, because he will always treat me as a flower-girl and always will, but I will always be a lady to Colonel Pickering because he will always treat me as a lady and always will'. Question Are we products of how we are treated? Has our past, present and future been determined by that of others? If so, to what extent? AND When can we feel uninhibited, free and completely ourselves? What can allow us this? Is it our right? Would love to hear your answers or thoughts. Thanks.
DO YOU BELIEVE DANCE IS INNATE? IS SELECTION HEALTHY? WHAT COULD SELECTION ALSO REPRESENT? IN A WORLD OF MULTIPLICITY are we shutting out possibility and potential through rigid selection based on a set of rules? Who makes up the rules and who believes them? OUR BODIES ARE LIVING, BREATHING SPONGES! How much do we retain? Is this only possible through repetition? Can we only draw on movement years later that has been ingrained. Is this a form of 'brain-washing' with the body? What could be the benefits as well as the dangers? Please can you blog back an example from your own experience of a certain set of codes that have been created for a dance style and by who - what you think their reasons were? Does repetition, routine fit the purpose for creative people? Can too much drill result in crushing creativity or support certainty and are the instincts the body learns our own? Would love to hear your thoughts on...
UNIFORM I am interested in how you all feel about Uniform? Do you insist on the set ISTD/RAD regulation uniform for classes? Are all children comfortable wearing it? My consideration is for the child who may be 'self-conscious' already. Insisting on tight fitting leotards and soft flowing skirts, can this be off - putting for some children wanting desperately to dance or perhaps feeling uncomfortable with their bodies? One little girl said to me she "I don't like Ballet, I don't want to be a 'fairy"! I think it's a shame that some little girls see Ballet only in this way partly by the image a uniform might project. How does uniform impact upon the child. Does the 'image' decide which genre they want to learn? If we dressed 'Ballet' up in Baseball Hats and t-shirts would more children sign up? Is Hip-Hop more attractive because you can wear jogging pants? Are we able to be flexible on this? Do we need to rethink the im...
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