Hi everyone.
Great to be back and delighted to have survived the first two Modules!
I am living and breathing this final one now, reading and totally hooked. The fact that it is the final Module means that the experience is now gaining pace and the finishing line is in sight - a way to go yet though and many hurdles no doubt.
Sunday's skype was informative particularly Adesola's detailed and clear presentation of Unihub assisting us in finding our way around. 
My personal difficulty was time management in Module 2 (being the most hectic time of the year for my dancing school and exam time which takes up much mental and physical energy).
The Summer break has created space for further reading and reflection and given me much needed time to delve into detail, gain a total perspective and understanding for what is much needed for the final Module and Professional Inquiry. 
Module 3 - I intend to be more switched on in regard to the tasks at hand, pay greater attention to the handbook and Module expectation of outcomes and really enjoy the practicalities and exploration.  I feel like a child on Christmas Eve waiting in anticipation for the goodies ahead! 
However, I have sliced the term up in bite size chunks and intend to stick to them.  Staying two steps ahead rather than two behind is my intention but I still think realistically despite this intended mindset, I will still be taking it right to the knuckle!!

Good luck everyone.
You will never be the same again!!!! 


  1. Hey Jane!
    I've made sure I printed my Gant chart out and have it in the front of my note book for work to make sure I stay on track!
    Really going to try get going with observation research this week and trying to pin down my interview participants!
    Excited to get going and the end is in sight need to just push through this module!
    Good Luck x

    1. Hi there Garry. Well done! Yes, this reminds me of those nesting instincts when lighting candles and cleaning the house prior to the birth of my first son! It's like imminent and I need to get prepared for the unexpected (no it wasn't twins)!! This is the most exciting part, this is what we do, this is who we are - the practical the discover the uncertain - loving it!!

    2. Have now put my Gantt Chart in the kitchen. It keeps talking to me and telling me to get a move on!


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