Sondra Horton Fraleigh
Reading 'Dance and the Lived Experience'
Sondra Horton Fraleigh - existential phenomenology
'A dancer visualizes
herself as she appears to others there is a hidden condition of human movement, bounded
by her limits of her will and daring’ p.35 ‘challenges, limits to be overcome
in extending self-boundaries and self-knowledge’ p.36
‘she lives her successes and failures in dance - aesthetically valuable in success, aesthetically disvaluable if she fails'.
‘she lives her successes and failures in dance - aesthetically valuable in success, aesthetically disvaluable if she fails'.
Is it any wonder we devalue ourselves as we age if we value ourselves extrinsically?
Beauty is skin deep or is it, in the dance world? Should we put so much onus on what the 'other' thinks? I suppose it's natural, it's part of the job. ?
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