Movement Condradiction - Contradiction - difference - innovation
Movement contradictions?
A fascination with playwrights needing to write about the absurd – why? A rebellion against society and it's strict
codes perhaps? Joe Orton for example, Oscar Wilde = polite insults, inwardly musing at society and all
it’s conventions within the rules - then. What a genius and so brave. Pinter at the ordinary lives of
people taken to extremes and certainly full of contradictions.
Artists their work exhibits moments of conflict, struggle
and poverty. Art is an outlet or a hiding place.
Dance choreographers/makers are doing the same but through their
experiences of the body, pain, love, suffering, anger, etc etc or attempting to put
their bodies into the place of other bodies, putting yourself into someone
else's shoes, putting yourself into their situation and working out how it
feels. But putting yourself in someone else's body is more than that, it is feeling how you think they may feel, finding connections with your own life and trying to relate. (Relatability). Deeply connecting with them and transcending yourself to another lived place
and space in an attempt to understand. Intrinsically. Not extrinsically not purely aesthetically, to display. Experience through empathy and
embodied. A form of role-play. The convincing actor.
Are we all trying to make sense of the world? If we stop trying, does a form of madness/brillinat manifest itself? There becomes the Theatre of the Absurd, the Picasso. A frustration that the world
can’t make sense of us and an attempt to help it to? Or just abandonment?
Art isn't straight forward, is it? It's a jumbled up maze of our lived experience and that of others if we care enough to want to understand how others feel. Perhaps we can learn to understand how others feel? Can we teach emotional intelligence? Is that possible? Is it a much need requirement in this space and time?
Humanity, can it survive without superiority? A question from Davis in an earlier blog.
My answer is that it must thrive without it. But it doesn't mean we are all the same and humanity will thrive if we can only attempt to understand the 'other'.
I think this one might go over 400 as well!
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