
How much movement orchestrated is intended?
Another’s intention or your own?  How much do we rely on others?
If we haven’t got time to think does the body take over and if so how does it select?  Do we just pick a movement at random and then draw upon known phrases from there? By doing this, it any spontaneous movement new or just reordered?  A hidden form  of plageurism?  Can we reinvent without preconception?  Can we create new languages and vocabulary set apart from convention?
Where does your desire to innovate come from?


  1. I was just thinking along these lines last night in class. I did an improv warmup and several of the students mentioned how they couldn't think what to do next. I told them to stop thinking about it and let their body do the thinking for them, but that's a concept that's going to take a while to unpack, I think. I noticed that they're starting to amass enough movement vocabulary that they don't merely have to copy something I've taught in class but are starting to put things together in different ways.

    Thinking through the class on the drive home, I wondered how much of my own improv is really new or how much I'm just pulling from some long distant class somewhere--I mean, there's only so many ways in which you can combine movements, I guess, and how much is really me creating and how much is my body realizing it's done x movement after y movement and so it does it? It might feel new, but perhaps I'm just pulling together forgotten movement pieces from long ago, if that makes sense.

    1. Thanks Hannah. Yes exactly. Perhaps our body knows exactly where it is and our mind is having one of those deja vu moments! Does this makes our bodies actually more intelligent than our minds? So matter over mind would be more accurate!

  2. I try to think always before creating, the problems with that is that not all of my movement is then natural. unless it is improve, and then I normally let gravity, music, emotion, and momentum take over!

    1. Thank you! Perhaps skilled bodies can decide for themselves


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